Cause all my life is wrapped up in today, no past nor future here.
A costumer comes up to me and orders a single caffe latte.
- That will be 29 please, I say with a (what I believe to be) a friendly smile.
- Do you take Danish coins? he then asks.
- Haha, weell, it would be better since their currency is stronger at the moment but I dont know how my boss would see on it. I say and laugh. Thinking that he is joking I try to do the same. Keep the spirit in a good mood.
- Sooo.. You dont take Danish currency? he repeats.
- Oh ehhh. No sorry, I simply answer, a little bit embarressed.
- Okej, what about Swedish coins?
They have taught me Italian expressions, that crows are birds that are one of a kind and if you are nice to them they remember you, the importance of waffles on a friday afternoon, about diets and language differences and carnivals in other parts of the world. We have been discussing travels, what is really tipical norwegian, the situation in Ukranie, babies, music, why you would put a jumping guy on a packet of cultured milk and, of course, coffee. Working alone sucks and without colleagues you easily feel lonely. But I have my costumers, some of them regulares, that takes me through each day. I might only be a human coffee supplier for them but they are so much more to me. Even the really annoying ones.
- Sarah, what would you rather be? A racist, communist or blind?
- That will be 29 please, I say with a (what I believe to be) a friendly smile.
- Do you take Danish coins? he then asks.
- Haha, weell, it would be better since their currency is stronger at the moment but I dont know how my boss would see on it. I say and laugh. Thinking that he is joking I try to do the same. Keep the spirit in a good mood.
- Sooo.. You dont take Danish currency? he repeats.
- Oh ehhh. No sorry, I simply answer, a little bit embarressed.
- Okej, what about Swedish coins?
They have taught me Italian expressions, that crows are birds that are one of a kind and if you are nice to them they remember you, the importance of waffles on a friday afternoon, about diets and language differences and carnivals in other parts of the world. We have been discussing travels, what is really tipical norwegian, the situation in Ukranie, babies, music, why you would put a jumping guy on a packet of cultured milk and, of course, coffee. Working alone sucks and without colleagues you easily feel lonely. But I have my costumers, some of them regulares, that takes me through each day. I might only be a human coffee supplier for them but they are so much more to me. Even the really annoying ones.
- Sarah, what would you rather be? A racist, communist or blind?